When people ask us “Why Codelab?” — our answer is simple: because we love work­ing togeth­er. Lovely people — the dis­tinct Codelab atmo­sphere — you will find all of that here!
Today, how­ever, let’s com­mem­or­ate some selec­ted moments togeth­er, you will see, we really have a soft-spot for each oth­er. And we really like high fives, both lit­er­al very tan­gible ones. Let’s take this Employ­ee appre­ci­ation day what we appre­ci­ate about one another.

1. Codelab2gether: ana­log meet­ings and events are finally back!

While we love work­ing from home, the paradigm-shift in work­ing cul­ture since 2020 has made us appre­ci­ate in-per­son meet­ings even more. These were the most mem­or­able team events at Codelab in 2022:

  • Bring­ing our chil­dren to the office for Chil­dren’s Day and cel­eb­rat­ing with both our co-work­ers and their families.
  • Bring­ing back Pizza Day and par­ti­cip­at­ing in the Codelab4fit day challenges.
  • But, was there only care­free debauch­ery? Of course not. We also cel­eb­rated some major pro­ject suc­cesses, such as the 10th anniversary of our super import­ant to-secret pro­ject we which we can’t talk about at this point. All we can say is: 10 years — 10 mil­lion cars run­ning soft­ware cre­ated by Codelab — pretty impressive!

Of course we can­not ignore the unpre­ced­en­ted, his­tor­ic, first-ever truly joint meet­ing of all teams from Poland and Ger­many, includ­ing remote work­ers, in one place — the Codelab2Gether reunion. We remem­ber the event very fondly.

2. Mov­ing and shak­ing — Top loc­a­tion and design at Codelab x Sagittarius

Our Wro­claw team has been work­ing in an incred­ible office since April, designed by the very tal­en­ted archi­tects at Stu­dio Mod­elina. With a prime loc­a­tion (50 m from the main rail­way sta­tion) and amaz­ing design, the interi­or design turned a lot of heads and was included in the TOP15 most inter­est­ing offices in Poland by Prop­er­ty­Design.

Take a look or explore our office for a vir­tu­al cof­fee! Our Szcze­cin office is also worth check­ing out.

3. “We care” — it’s in our DNA!

Our “we care” slo­gan encom­passes many aspects. On the one hand, we listen to our employ­ees and put great emphas­is on their per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al well-being, like the recent form­al­iz­a­tion of com­pany-wide gender-sens­it­ive lan­guage. We really appre­ci­ate the grow­ing num­ber of female Codelabers! On the oth­er hand, we take care of our phys­ic­al well-being, with activ­it­ies like Codelab4fit and healthy activ­ity days in the office.

We also take care of ourselves — as part of the Codelab4fit pro­gramme, we jumped out from behind our desks, held healthy office days, com­peted on Strava, and some ‘went in too hard’ and only stopped after more than 500km of cyc­ling along the Pol­ish Balt­ic coast.

But we also care for those in need. Private and com­pany-wide efforts sup­port those impacted by the ter­rible events in Ukraine. In our annu­al Christ­mas col­lec­tion our employ­ees raised a tre­mend­ous amount of money this year, which was doubled by Codelab. The amount col­lec­ted  allowed Zosia, the daugh­ter of one of our col­leagues, to get her very own assisted mobil­ity device.  Just look at that smile!

4. We love learn­ing and put­ting it into action!

In 2022 we were finally back to attend­ing events like trade shows and con­fer­ences. High­lights included explor­ing new oppor­tun­it­ies in the Far North. Elec­tro­mobil­ity and autonom­ous driv­ing were the hot top­ics of last years VECS in Sweden.

5. Pro­fes­sion­al and per­son­al devel­op­ment – an integ­ral part of Codelab’s com­pany culture

We have had a chal­len­ging few years behind us, which has become evid­ent in the way we work togeth­er, so we re-eval­u­ated our needs. We decided to listen to each oth­er, to find out what defines how we work at Codelab and how job can­did­ates per­ceive us. In total, nine  work­shops were held and on aver­age one in five of us shared their exper­i­ences, while dozens of can­did­ates shared feed­back on the recruit­ment pro­cess in our company.

Today we know what we need and… we have the back­log to prove it! More than 20 employ­er brand­ing pro­jects have been launched and more are in the pipeline. All of this is done to make our work at Codelab as sat­is­fy­ing and fun as pos­sible. The imple­ment­a­tion of our new recruit­ing sys­tem has def­in­itely sped up recruit­ment and improved the exper­i­ence for the people that choose to join Codelab. Our cur­rent rat­ing of 4,78/5 tells us, we are going in the right direction 😊

6. 50/10/1, so what’s behind the “we do”!

Speak­ing of work 😊. We ended the year with dozens of pro­jects for vari­ous indus­tries, includ­ing new areas such as industry, elec­tro­mobil­ity and IIoT. How­ever, there is no deny­ing that we are proud to see that the soft­ware we imple­ment and devel­op can be seen in more than 50% of the world’s top10 car brands (in one pro­ject alone, we reached 10 mil­lion units of a mod­el that is run­ning safely, thanks in part to the work of our spe­cial­ists). We also have an import­ant debut behind us — Codelab’s first fully com­mer­cial­ised product. Our young­est child, Remote Hero, hit the high flights straight away. Indeed, it can be spot­ted on some of the world’s most fam­ous cranes…

7. Lov­ing what you do + feel­ing appre­ci­ated = <3

In this tele­graph-style sum­mary, we can only share an excerpt of what we appre­ci­ate. Some of our more top-secret pro­jects will of course have to stay sealed.. First, we have our con­stantly grow­ing female Codelabers, who make up almost one-fifth of the team now, some­thing we cel­eb­rated togeth­er on Women’s Day. The pro­ject man­age­ment reached a mile­stone, the team hit 200 sprints this year and con­tin­ues to make sure we stay agile.

Last but not least, we really appre­ci­ate our Codelab Her­oes. That is what we call our long-stand­ing employ­ees, who have been with us for 5 years and more, make up almost half of the team now, with some being with us for more than 15 years even. Our Codelab Her­oes, or as we also like to call them: our spe­cial task force — thanks for being with us for so long!

But wheth­er you have been work­ing here for 15 years or just a few months — as you will find out if you get to know Codelab for your­self — we’re build­ing an open, attent­ive com­munity for every­one. Pro­fes­sion­al­ism with an added spe­cial blend of humane­ness and friendliness.

So why Codelab? That’s why!