Our com­pany does not focus only on the ser­vices that we provide. We are not a com­pany focused only on res­ults, money and our own pock­ets. We also see the world around us, where among all of the happy days, there are more dif­fi­cult ones that some people exper­i­ence as well. That is why the Codelab Char­ity Team is act­ively involved in vari­ous char­ity actions like help­ing chil­dren, large fam­il­ies, the sick and the eld­erly people. We are also involved in numer­ous cam­paigns to help animals.

We invite you to read the descrip­tions of the char­ity actions in which we par­ti­cip­ate. Maybe you will also decide to help togeth­er with us?

Noble Gift
Codelab act­ively par­ti­cip­ates in the nation­wide cam­paign Noble Gift (i.e. Szlachet­na Paczka). We sup­port fam­il­ies that have found them­selves in a dif­fi­cult life and mater­i­al situ­ation due to ran­dom events. Cre­at­ing gift pack­ages togeth­er and then pack­ing them is always a very import­ant event for us.

We take care of animals
We have organ­ized col­lec­tions of food and funds for the vari­ous shel­ters sev­er­al times.

A sound mind in a sound body
At Codelab run­ning is not only a form of integ­ra­tion and tak­ing care of health, but also the oppor­tun­ity and will­ing­ness to help oth­ers. Every year our run­ning teams take part in the Com­pany Run, a char­ity 25-kilo­met­er relay race.

We share knowledge
Know­ledge is one of the key val­ues ​​for us, there­fore we try to imple­ment it on many levels. One of them is organ­iz­ing meet­ings and train­ing for young people who want to broaden their skills.

Help­ing is in our blood
Our employ­ees are very will­ing to donate blood and a large num­ber of them are mer­it­ori­ous and hon­or­ary blood donors.

The activ­it­ies of our com­pany do not have such an impact on the nat­ur­al envir­on­ment as it is in the case of pro­duc­tion com­pan­ies, how­ever, we primar­ily try to pro­mote the con­scious and respons­ible use of every­day resources such as paper, elec­tri­city or water.