Is google maps the only option for a map on my site? How do I imple­ment map host­ing serv­ers myself? How do I pull it togeth­er, so the user sees my own styled map?
If you came across these ques­tions but were left without answers, we invite you to watch the videor­e­cord­ing of the latest Codelab Think­Lab series meet­ing, this time in the light­ning talk format.

The idea for this was born after a few sleep­less nights. First, I sat up to answer these and oth­er ques­tions about imple­ment­ing maps in the React lib­rary. Then, with the help of the inter­net, a sur­vey­or friend (thanks Barto!), and some dug-up tutori­als (4th tab on Google), I finally got the whole pro­cess down.
In the video, I con­dense the most import­ant inform­a­tion for you in a nut­shell to save your­self time, nerves and money! You will also find a tran­script of the Q&A ses­sion — thanks to all par­ti­cipants for the dis­cus­sion.
Ps. Below, you will also find all the links I men­tion dur­ing the meeting.

About the author.

Michał Ryśkiewicz
Soft­ware Engin­eer, Codelab

Hi, I’m Rysiu, and I write code for a liv­ing. I have been involved with IT for about 5 years since I star­ted my stud­ies. I’m a soft­ware engin­eer at Codelab, and I deal with issues related to Typescript lan­guage, mainly on the fron­tend side, but there are also oth­er chal­lenges, such as mobile applic­a­tions and backend. After work, I try my hand at cre­at­ing new start-ups, col­lect­ing music CDs and recently, I’ve been back to work­ing on myself at the gym.

Links from webinar

  1. Ras­ter map —
  2. Vec­tor map —
  3. .mbtiles data —
  4. Blog on how to cre­ate .mbtiles data —
  5. A Git­Hub account with a sample pro­ject -
  6. Michał’s Linked­in -
  7. Email —