The times when we had to go to gara­ge or down to the stre­et to check our vehicle’s sta­tus are over. For a few years, car owners can have access to mul­ti­ple featu­res of the­ir cars using the­ir mobi­le pho­nes or web apps.

Have I real­ly loc­ked the car? Check that in the mobi­le app and clo­se it remo­te­ly. Even wor­se – whe­re exac­tly did I leave the car at a big par­king gal­le­ry among hun­dreds of other vehic­les? Check that in the app or let the car honk from the distan­ce. Get­ting into the car on a cold, win­ter day ? Set the pre­fer­red tem­pe­ra­tu­re in the app, so that your car will always wait for you, ready for com­for­ta­ble ride. Dozens of dif­fe­rent func­tio­na­li­ties are ava­ila­ble, brin­ging car owning expe­rien­ce into 21st century.

That is exac­tly what we’re cur­ren­tly wor­king on in a pro­ject for one of the lar­gest Euro­pe­an OEM’s info­ta­in­ment sys­tem. We are respon­si­ble for a Java pro­cess that runs in a vir­tu­al vehic­le machi­ne and acts as mid­dle­wa­re betwe­en the users con­nec­ted to the clo­ud and the lower lay­ers clo­ser to the vehic­le elec­tro­nics. The who­le com­mu­ni­ca­tion is based on mes­sa­ges exchan­ged betwe­en dif­fe­rent publish-sub­scri­be topics, having to be sent at the right time, under spe­ci­fic conditions.

Exten­ding the­se pie­ces of func­tio­na­li­ty, and what’s even more rare, usu­al­ly not that welco­med by deve­lo­pers — issu­es ana­ly­sis in car info­ta­in­ment area turns out to be real­ly inte­re­sting and can be a gre­at refresh for deve­lo­pers alre­ady bored with finan­cial / e‑commerce doma­in. As the­re are more teams respon­si­ble for dif­fe­rent sets of func­tio­nal com­po­nents and also the core servi­ces parts (one level lower, but don’t wor­ry — still Java), the­re is plen­ty of spa­ce to get to know more the IOT world that sur­ro­unds us more and more – this time in automotive.

This is only a sam­ple and what we can say public­ly. If you are inte­re­sted in fin­ding out more, ple­ase come and let’s talk abo­ut what you could give in such a project. 

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