The inno­va­ti­ve con­cept of the Digi­tal X exhi­bi­tion was a gre­at fra­me­work for pro­mo­ting our remo­te main­te­nan­ce solu­tion. In the spi­rit of digi­ta­li­za­tion the event was not held in a cli­ni­cal bri­ght exhi­bi­tion hall but was spre­ad over vario­us exi­sting venu­es in the city cen­ter of Colo­gne, which cre­ated a very ple­asant and pro­duc­ti­ve atmo­sphe­re for networ­king and hel­ped immen­se­ly in making our par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the exhi­bi­tion a gre­at success.

Remo­te Hero is a model exam­ple of how digi­ta­li­za­tion helps incre­ase pro­duc­ti­vi­ty and redu­ce both down­ti­me and tra­vel costs by con­nec­ting experts remo­te­ly with tech­ni­cians wearing AR glas­ses. The Digi­tal X is the world’s lar­gest digi­ta­li­za­tion exhi­bi­tion orga­ni­zed by Deut­sche Tele­kom and has been taking pla­ce in Colo­gne sin­ce 2017. Unli­ke tra­di­tio­nal tra­de shows, the Digi­tal X does not take pla­ce in a lar­ge exhi­bi­tion hall but is inste­ad spre­ad out over the city cen­ter of Colo­gne, simi­lar to the con­cept of SXSW in Austin. The exhi­bi­tors booths are loca­ted in local restau­rants and bars, which also pro­vi­de food and beve­ra­ges, cre­ating a rela­xed atmo­sphe­re for networ­king whi­le also cre­ating a con­si­stent flow of visi­tors from the indu­stry. Events and key­no­tes were held at the vario­us lar­ge sta­ges set up by Tele­kom aro­und the loca­tions hosting the exhi­bi­tors. Key­no­te spe­akers inc­lu­ded Jes­si­ca Alba and Ste­ve Wozniak.

The Digi­tal X is split into four the­ma­tic cate­go­ries: the futu­re quar­ter, the inte­rac­ti­ve quar­ter, the inspi­ra­tion quar­ter and the disrup­tion quar­ter. Our booth was loca­ted in futu­re the part of the ALSO Part­ner Hub and was loca­ted in a piz­ze­ria. The uni­que and modern atmo­sphe­re in the venue pro­vi­ded ide­al con­di­tions for our pro­duct pre­sen­ta­tion. With the team from ALSO and Insys Micro­elec­tro­nics we had some gre­at neigh­bors who made us feel very welco­me and made our time at the Digi­tal X very ple­asant. If you hap­pen to visit Colo­gne and appre­cia­te good piz­za and cof­fee, neo neo is defi­ni­te­ly worth a visit.

Many people got to see Remo­te Hero in action and were curio­us abo­ut the live video stre­am shown on our pre­sen­ta­tion moni­tor pro­vi­ded by the AR glas­ses. Whi­le some imme­dia­te­ly reali­zed the poten­tial Remo­te Hero has in fixing acu­te real-world issu­es many com­pa­nies are facing today, others were intri­gu­ed by how it works, which was a gre­at conver­sa­tion ope­ner and lead to many pro­duc­ti­ve and more exten­si­ve conversations.

We rece­ived some gre­at feed­back regar­ding Remo­te Hero’s featu­res. Both the fle­xi­bi­li­ty of cho­osing betwe­en on-pre­mi­se and clo­ud hosting, as well as the whi­te label sup­port, were very well rece­ived. Some­thing that came up in a lot of the conver­sa­tions was our deter­mi­na­tion to focus on key featu­res aimed at solving a select num­ber of pro­blems effi­cien­tly, inste­ad of try­ing to do eve­ry­thing at once and being clut­te­red with exces­si­ve featu­res.

Acces­sing rele­vant docu­men­ta­tion digi­tal­ly was of par­ti­cu­lar inte­rest to com­pa­nies from indu­stries which requ­ire exten­si­ve tra­ining cour­ses to com­ply with regu­la­tions and guide­li­nes. As the­re were many visi­tors from other Euro­pe­an coun­tries, the impor­tan­ce of having an auto­ma­tic trans­la­tion featu­re of both voice and text into 26 dif­fe­rent lan­gu­ages was once aga­in demon­stra­ted. The abi­li­ty to scan a QR code using the AR glas­ses and then having the tem­pe­ra­tu­re and bat­te­ry vol­ta­ge of a sen­sor con­nec­ted to an IoT gate­way shown in the display of the glas­ses was some­thing many people were eager to try out for them­se­lves. A welco­me sur­pri­se was meeting with Micha­el Krämer, RealWear’s Regio­nal Direc­tor for DACH & CEE.

The event was also a gre­at oppor­tu­ni­ty for us to spre­ad the word abo­ut codelab’s exper­ti­se. With the help of our mar­ke­ting mate­rials (inc­lu­ding our tru­sted gre­en ducks), we were able to fur­ther spre­ad the mes­sa­ge that code­lab is the part­ner of cho­ice for deve­lop­ment servi­ces and solu­tions for many repu­ta­ble com­pa­nies in the auto­mo­ti­ve, indu­strial and enter­pri­se sector.

To get a quick ove­rview of what Remo­te Hero can do, watch our new pro­duct video. To read more and enqu­ire abo­ut a demo ple­ase visit