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Krzysztof Musi­ał

Krzysztof Musi­ał

“ Hav­ing the pos­sib­il­ity of imple­ment­ing or adding Codelab’s qual­ity way of think­ing and our pro­cess-ori­ented style to the project’s mix was chal­len­ging upfront, full of exper­i­ences later, and is giv­ing expec­ted res­ults nowadays. Our qual­ity engin­eers sup­port the pro­ject staff with their know­ledge, expert­ise, ana­lys­is, crit­ic­al eyes and facil­it­a­tion skills, and because of prop­er people with awe­some atti­tude are involved in the under­tak­ing, the cooper­a­tion is pleas­ant and pro­duced adequate out­comes. That’s the way we do it in Codelab and to be hon­est — I’m proud of my colleagues.”

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