Terms of Use

Leg­al Notice
By access­ing and using Codelab’s web­site you agree to the fol­low­ing terms and con­di­tions. Do not use these pages if you do not agree to all of the fol­low­ing terms and conditions.

These web pages, includ­ing the con­tents as well as the selec­tion and arrange­ment of the con­tents of each indi­vidu­al page, of the col­lec­tion of the pages, and of the data or oth­er mater­i­als access­ible via the pages, are fully owned by Codelab. All rights reserved.

You are allowed to store extracts from Codelab’s pages on your com­puter and to print cop­ies of them for your per­son­al non-com­mer­cial use only and to dis­play as well as to show Codelab’s pages to the pub­lic. You are allowed to use and to dis­trib­ute neces­sary minor extracts from Codelab’s pages to provide dir­ect link­age to the pages or link­age by inter­net search ser­vices. Any oth­er kind of use, repro­duc­tion, trans­la­tion, adapt­a­tion, arrange­ment, any oth­er alter­a­tion, dis­tri­bu­tion or stor­age of Codelab’s pages in any form and by any means, in whole or in part without the pri­or writ­ten per­mis­sion of Codelab is prohibited.

Codelab’s web pages are provided as they are and without war­ranties of any kind either express or implied made in rela­tion to the cor­rect­ness, accur­acy, reli­ab­il­ity or avail­ab­il­ity of these pages or oth­er­wise. Codelab does not war­rant that these pages or the serv­er that makes them avail­able are free of vir­uses or of oth­er harm­ful com­pon­ents. Codelab reserves the right to revise the web pages or with­draw access to them at any time. Codelab assumes no respons­ib­il­ity for mater­i­al cre­ated or pub­lished by third parties that Codelab’s web pages con­tain a link to.

Under no cir­cum­stances includ­ing but not lim­ited to neg­li­gence, shall Codelab, nor any of its dir­ect­ors, officers or employ­ees be liable for any dir­ect, indir­ect, spe­cial, incid­ent­al or con­sequen­tial dam­ages what­so­ever that res­ult from the use of, or the inab­il­ity to use these pages.

Any dis­pute related to the use of these pages will be settled by the dis­trict court Szcze­cin, Poland and in accord­ance with the laws of Poland.

Codelab reserves the right to amend this leg­al notice. You must review this leg­al notice from time to time for any amendments.