Qual­ity Policy

Inform­a­tion-Secur­ity and Qual­ity Policy

Con­cern­ing Codelab sp. z o.o.

We sup­port our cus­tom­ers in suc­cess­ful trans­form­a­tion towards digit­al eco­nomy with effi­cient and innov­at­ive ICT products and ser­vices. We aim   extraordin­ar­ily high level of cus­tom­er sat­is­fac­tion. The expect­a­tions of inter­ested parties are taken into account at all times.

We regard the pro­tec­tion of our busi­ness and com­pany secrets as the basis for our cor­por­ate actions. In this con­text, the pro­tec­tion of inform­a­tion provided by cus­tom­ers and part­ners is equally as import­ant as the pro­tec­tion of our own knowledge.

The present doc­u­ment is applic­able to all areas. All per­sons belong­ing to com­pany or work­ing for it, are respons­ible for imple­ment­ing and main­tain­ing our com­mon Qual­ity and Inform­a­tion Secur­ity Man­age­ment Sys­tem (QMS and ISMS). The com­pany sup­ports the said per­sons in their com­mit­ment to com­pli­ance with the com­mon guidelines and rulings.


The goal of the QMS is the achieve­ment of stable rela­tion­ships with cus­tom­ers and sup­pli­ers as well as the con­stant improve­ment of the qual­ity stand­ard. In this respect, we ori­ent­ate ourselves towards the require­ments of ISO 9001.

The goal of the ISMS is to pro­tect inform­a­tion against intern­al and extern­al threats, to sup­port the con­tinu­ation of busi­ness oper­a­tions, to identi­fy and min­im­ise pos­sible risks as well as to mit­ig­ate poten­tial dam­age through secur­ity incid­ents to a large extent via the ini­ti­ation of suit­able meas­ures. Inter­faces must be described. Inform­a­tion can be avail­able in diverse forms.

This includes inform­a­tion and data pro­cessed both elec­tron­ic­ally as well as on paper.

The secur­ity goals are con­fid­en­ti­al­ity, avail­ab­il­ity and integ­rity. The ISO/IEC 27001 stand­ard serves as guideline for the company’s inform­a­tion-secur­ity man­age­ment. Tech­nic­al and organ­isa­tion­al meas­ures sup­port the secur­ity goals.

Respons­ib­il­ity for these goals lies with the Man­age­ment of the respect­ive com­pan­ies. The top man­age­ment lays down the prin­ciples and guidelines for the Qual­ity and Inform­a­tion-Secur­ity Man­age­ment. It con­trols their imple­ment­a­tion and com­pli­ance with all stat­utory and offi­cial requirements.

Mem­bers of the board are com­mit­ted to estab­lish­ing and dir­ect­ing a com­mon Integ­rated Qual­ity and Inform­a­tion-Secur­ity Man­age­ment Sys­tem that com­plies with the require­ments of the ISO 9001, ISO 27001 stand­ards and EU-Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Regulations.

Sig­na­ture of the mem­bers of the com­pany management

Radosław Borek           Marek Kopy­to              Jörg Winkler