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Soccer Player Training System

A sys­tem for track­ing user’s (ath­letes) per­form­ance dur­ing train­ing includ­ing heart rate, speed, accel­er­a­tion, pos­i­tion and much more. We present real-time data on iOS devices as well as post-workout data ana­lys­is at a web application.

Key Application

Wear­able sensors col­lect soc­cer play­ers core met­rics and send the encryp­ted data to an edge device loc­ated near the play­ing field. 

A nat­ive iOS applic­a­tion allows real time data ana­lys­is of every play­er on the field dur­ing the train­ing session.

All gathered data­points are securely sub­mit­ted to a cloud ser­vice for fur­ther ana­lys­is and com­par­is­on over time. A web applic­a­tion allows man­age­ment and schedul­ing of train­ing ses­sions, presents stat­ist­ics and reports


Soc­cer Play­er Train­ing System

“ When we started development of the system it looked like a small and heavy fridge with cold drinks with very unintuitive user interface. Over the time we helped in reducing of the phisical size of the system, extended functionality and developed much better user interface that allowed to sell the system to the best clubs over the word that regularly played in Champions League.”

Hubert Kamiński

Project Manager / Scrum Master


Key challenges

The cli­ent, one of the world’s largest sports equip­ment OEMs, was look­ing for a highly skilled soft­ware engin­eer­ing part­ner who could ful­fill their needs in speed to mar­ket, qual­ity, con­tinu­ous deliv­ery and sup­port for a world­wide dis­trib­uted sys­tem used by the most renowned soc­cer and nation­al teams worldwide.
Codelab‘s agile approach and sol­id engin­eer­ing cap­ab­il­it­ies ensured fast roll out of new fea­tures, estab­lished an OTA update ser­vice and took care for the highest cus­tom­er and user satisfaction.


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