Pri­vacy Policy

Codelab is com­mit­ted to pro­tect­ing your pri­vacy and per­son­al data. This pri­vacy policy (“Pri­vacy Policy”) explains how Codelab Sp. z o. o. and its author­ized part­ners and affil­i­ates (“Codelab”) pro­cess per­son­al data in con­nec­tion with 
As used in this Pri­vacy Policy, the term “per­son­al data” means any inform­a­tion about you which is per­son­ally iden­ti­fi­able like your name, address, tele­phone num­ber, e mail address or any oth­er per­son­al inform­a­tion that may be sup­plied by you. 
Please read this Pri­vacy Policy care­fully pri­or to access­ing the Web­site. If you do not agree with this Pri­vacy Policy, we expect you to leave this Website. 

Per­son­al data 
Codelab pro­cesses your per­son­al data in accord­ance with Reg­u­la­tion (EU) 2016/679 of the European Par­lia­ment and of the Coun­cil of 27 April 2016 on the pro­tec­tion of indi­vidu­als with regard to the pro­cessing of per­son­al data and on the free move­ment of such data and repeal­ing Dir­ect­ive 95/46/EC (Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion) and nation­al data pro­tec­tion laws, includ­ing the Data Pro­tec­tion Act of 10 May 2018 and the imple­ment­ing acts issued thereto. 
Codelab may col­lect per­son­al data that you vol­un­tar­ily provide when using the Web­site. By using this Web­site or sub­mit­ting your per­son­al data, you con­sent to Codelab’s pro­cessing of your per­son­al data as fur­ther described herein. 
Codelab always noti­fies the user of the col­lec­tion of per­son­al data through the Web­site. 
The per­son­al data col­lec­ted through the Web­site includes gen­er­al con­tact and per­son­al inform­a­tion such as name, address, email, phone, sub­scriber organ­iz­a­tion, inform­a­tion about people’s con­tact requests, inform­a­tion required from job applic­ants used for recruit­ment and staff­ing pur­poses (the can­did­ate man­age­ment sys­tem provided by soft­garden eRe­cruit­ing GmbH), as well as oth­er inform­a­tion required to man­age the Web­site and provide the ser­vices con­tained therein. 

Pur­pose of per­son­al data pro­cessing 
The per­son­al data col­lec­ted through the Web­site is pro­cessed for the pur­poses of man­aging cus­tom­er, investor and media rela­tions and com­mu­nic­a­tions, hand­ling con­tact requests and course sub­scrip­tions, provid­ing mar­ket­ing inform­a­tion, con­duct­ing recruit­ment and HR pur­poses, and deal­ing with oth­er mat­ters relat­ing to the man­age­ment and devel­op­ment of the Web­site and the ser­vices provided on it. 
We will not keep them for longer than is leg­ally per­miss­ible and neces­sary for these purposes. 

Leg­al basis for data pro­cessing 
As part of his activ­it­ies, Codelab col­lects and pro­cesses per­son­al data: 
1. for the pur­pose of con­clud­ing and per­form­ing con­tracts con­cluded with the users of the Web­site, as well as for the pur­pose of cor­rect and com­plete pro­vi­sion of ser­vices and ful­filling leg­al oblig­a­tions incum­bent on Codelab — leg­al basis: Art. 6 (1) (b) GDPR, Art. 6 (1) © GDPR; 
2. for the pur­poses arising from the legit­im­ate interests pur­sued by Codelab, i.e. for ana­lyt­ic­al and stat­ist­ic­al pur­poses and to ensure IT secur­ity related to the Web­site — leg­al basis: Art. 6 (1) (d) GDPR. 

Your rights 
You have the right to know what per­son­al data we hold about you. You may con­tact Codelab in order to review the accur­acy of the per­son­al data related to you. Upon your request Codelab will rec­ti­fy or erase any incom­plete, inac­cur­ate or out­dated per­son­al data. 
You may with­draw you con­sent for pro­cessing of your per­son­al data. As pro­cessing of your per­son­al data is neces­sary for us to be able to provide you with our ser­vices, revok­ing your con­sent may lead to a situ­ation where we can­not provide you with some or all of the ser­vices. 
You have the right of access to your per­son­al data, the right to rec­ti­fic­a­tion, eras­ure or restric­tion of pro­cessing, the right to data port­ab­il­ity, the right to object if the pro­cessing is based on Art­icle 6 (1) (f) GDPR. 

Right to lodge a com­plaint 
You have the right to lodge a com­plaint related to the pro­cessing of your per­son­al data by the Admin­is­trat­or to the Pres­id­ent of the Per­son­al Data Pro­tec­tion Office. 

IP addresses, cook­ies and oth­er tools 
Codelab may col­lect inform­a­tion about your com­puter, includ­ing where avail­able your IP address, oper­at­ing sys­tem and browser type and for sys­tem admin­is­tra­tion. This is stat­ist­ic­al data about Codelab’s users’ brows­ing actions and pat­terns, and does not identi­fy any indi­vidu­al. 
For the same reas­on, Codelab may obtain inform­a­tion about your web­site usage by using a cook­ies file which is stored on the hard drive of your com­puter. Cook­ies con­tain inform­a­tion that is trans­ferred to your computer’s hard drive. They help us to improve our site and to deliv­er a bet­ter and more per­son­al­ized ser­vice. They enable us: 
• To estim­ate our audi­ence size and usage pat­tern. 
• To store inform­a­tion about your pref­er­ences, and so allow us to cus­tom­ize our site accord­ing to your indi­vidu­al interests. 
• To speed up your searches. 
• To recog­nize you when you return to our site. 
You may refuse to accept cook­ies by activ­at­ing the set­ting on your browser which allows you to refuse the set­ting of cook­ies. How­ever, if you select this set­ting you may be unable to access cer­tain parts of the Web­site. Unless you have adjus­ted your browser set­ting so that it will refuse cook­ies, Codelab’s sys­tem will issue cook­ies when you log on to our site. 

Social media 
Codelab also pro­cesses your per­son­al data with­in our accounts on portals such as: Face­book, Ins­tagram and Linked­In. The per­son­al data pro­cessed includes data identi­fy­ing the user’s pro­file of the portal (usu­ally includ­ing first and last name), his/her pro­file pic­ture, the con­tent of com­ments pos­ted by the user’s portal. 
In the case of social media, your per­son­al data is pro­cessed on the basis of Art­icle 6 (1) (f) GDPR, i.e. on the basis of Codelab’s legit­im­ate interest. 
The pur­pose of the pro­cessing of the per­son­al data of the users of the portal is to run Codelab’s pro­file on the social net­work­ing site Face­book and Linked­In, under the terms and con­di­tions spe­cified by Face­book Inc., Face­book Ire­land ltd. and Linked­In Cor­por­a­tion and to inform by means of it about Codelab’s activ­ity, and for the pur­pose of com­mu­nic­a­tion via avail­able Face­book func­tion­al­it­ies (com­ments, chat, mes­sages). 
Per­son­al data col­lec­ted through com­mu­nic­a­tion with the user is only pro­cessed for the pur­pose of respond­ing, if neces­sary. 
The per­son­al data, which we hold in private mes­sages, is stored until the user of the portal objects to fur­ther pro­cessing of such data. In the case of inform­a­tion that we have in our pos­ses­sion as part of your com­ments, they are avail­able on our pro­file until they are deleted by the author or, in jus­ti­fied cases, by Codelab, e.g. in the case of post­ing com­ments on our pro­file incit­ing viol­ence, propagat­ing hatred, or being spam or a form of recom­mend­ing the ser­vices of anoth­er entity. 

Trans­fer of per­son­al data to oth­er entit­ies 
The recip­i­ents of your per­son­al data may be Codelab’s author­ised employ­ees, extern­al ser­vice pro­viders, e.g. IT ser­vice pro­viders, mar­ket­ing ser­vice pro­viders, web host­ing pro­viders, online pay­ment ser­vice pro­viders, car­ri­ers, insurers, sub­con­tract­ors, entit­ies man­aging the Face­book social net­work (Face­book Ire­land Ltd. and Meta Plat­forms Inc.) and the Linked­In portal (Linked­In Cor­por­a­tion) and oth­er entit­ies pro­cessing data on behalf of Codelab on the basis of a con­tract for entrust­ment of per­son­al data pro­cessing, as well as account­ants, law­yers, admin­is­trat­ive author­it­ies, state ser­vices and courts. Recip­i­ents of your per­son­al data may also be entit­ies affil­i­ated with Codelab, in par­tic­u­lar com­pan­ies cooper­at­ing with­in the Beta Sys­tem GmBH group of com­pan­ies, based in Ger­many. This data may be trans­mit­ted in con­nec­tion with the need to carry out the recruit­ment pro­cess, if the terms of cooper­a­tion between Codelab and these entit­ies so require.

Trans­fers of data to third coun­tries (out­side the European Eco­nom­ic Area) 
Your per­son­al data may be trans­ferred to third coun­tries, such as the USA, in con­nec­tion with Codelab’s use of the ser­vices of entit­ies based out­side the European Eco­nom­ic Area (Google Inc., Face­book Ire­land Ltd., Meta Plat­forms Inc., Linked­In Cor­por­a­tion), in order to ensure the cor­rect­ness, effect­ive­ness and effi­ciency of the ser­vices provided. In this case, Codelab, in accord­ance with the require­ments of the GDPR, imple­ments secur­ity meas­ures to ensure cor­rect pro­cessing and adequate pro­tec­tion of your per­son­al data. 

Google Suite 
More inform­a­tion on the pro­cessing of per­son­al data by this entity can be found at:

More inform­a­tion on the pro­cessing of per­son­al data by this entity can be found at: and and

More inform­a­tion on the pro­cessing of per­son­al data by this entity can be found at:


More inform­a­tion on the pro­cessing of per­son­al data by this entity can be found at:


More inform­a­tion on the pro­cessing of per­son­al data by this entity can be found at:

Google Ana­lyt­ics 
This Web­site uses Google Ana­lyt­ics, a web ana­lyt­ics ser­vice provided by Google Inc. The inform­a­tion gen­er­ated by the cook­ie about your use of the Web­site (includ­ing your IP address) will be trans­mit­ted to and stored by Google Inc. on serv­ers in the United States. 
Google Inc. will use this inform­a­tion for the pur­pose of eval­u­at­ing your use of the Web­site, com­pil­ing reports on web­site activ­ity for Web­site oper­at­ors and provid­ing oth­er ser­vices relat­ing to Web­site activ­ity and inter­net usage. Google Inc. may also trans­fer this inform­a­tion to third parties where required to do so by law, or where such third parties pro­cess the inform­a­tion on Google Inc.’s behalf. 
Google Inc. will not asso­ci­ate your IP address with any oth­er data held by Google Inc. You may refuse the use of cook­ies by select­ing the appro­pri­ate set­tings on your browser, how­ever please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full func­tion­al­ity of this Web­site. By using this Web­site, you con­sent to the pro­cessing of data about you by Google Inc. in the man­ner and for the pur­poses set out above. 



Our Web­site uses Hub­Spot for vari­ous mar­ket­ing and ana­lyt­ics pur­poses. Hub­Spot helps us improve your exper­i­ence on our Web­site and under­stand our audi­ence bet­ter. This sec­tion of our pri­vacy policy explains how we use Hub­Spot, what data we col­lect, and how that data is used. 

Cook­ies and Track­ing Pixels 

We use Hub­Spot’s track­ing pixel and cook­ies to col­lect data about your inter­ac­tions with our Web­site. A cook­ie is a small piece of data that our Web­site asks your browser to store on your device. The track­ing pixel is a trans­par­ent image file, used to mon­it­or your jour­ney around a single Web­site or col­lec­tion of sites. 

These tech­no­lo­gies enable us to: 

 Under­stand user beha­vi­or (e.g., which pages you vis­it and how long you stay on them). 

  • Improve site per­form­ance and user experience. 
  • Serve more rel­ev­ant con­tent and offers to our users. 

Data Col­lec­ted 

Through Hub­Spot, we may collect: 

  • Details of your vis­its to our web­site and the resources you access. 
  • Inform­a­tion about your device, includ­ing where avail­able, your IP address, oper­at­ing sys­tem, and browser type. 
  • Oth­er data rel­ev­ant to cus­tom­er sur­veys and/or offers. 

Use of Data 

The data we col­lect via Hub­Spot is used to: 

  • Under­stand and ana­lyze our web­site traffic and user behavior. 
  • Per­son­al­ize your exper­i­ence on our site. 
  • Improve our products, ser­vices, and mar­ket­ing efforts. 
  • Carry out retar­get­ing and ad-related activities. 
  • Data Shar­ing and Transfers 

Hub­Spot is a trus­ted part­ner and ensures data pro­tec­tion com­pli­ance in line with EU reg­u­la­tions. How­ever, as part of the ser­vices offered to our users, the inform­a­tion you provide to us may be trans­ferred to and stored in coun­tries out­side the European Eco­nom­ic Area (EEA). By sub­mit­ting your per­son­al data, you agree to this trans­fer, stor­ing, or processing. 

Your Choices and Rights 

You can opt-out of Hub­Spot’s track­ing cook­ies and track­ing pixels at any time by adjust­ing your browser­’s cook­ie set­tings or using our cook­ie man­age­ment tool. 



Our Web­site uses Lead­Info for mar­ket­ing and ana­lyt­ic­al pur­poses. Lead­Info allows us to improve the per­form­ance of our Web­site, as well as to bet­ter under­stand our cor­por­ate audi­ence and per­son­al­ize the con­tent provided to them. This sec­tion of our pri­vacy policy explains how we use Lead­Info, what data we col­lect and how it is used. 

Cook­ies and con­ver­sion track­ing 

We use our own and third-party cook­ies. Cook­ies are small text files that can be auto­mat­ic­ally stored or read from the device (such as a com­puter, tab­let or smart­phone) you use to vis­it a web­site. We also use Google Ads con­ver­sion track­ing, which is an ana­lyt­ics ser­vice that com­bines data from the ad net­work with actions per­formed on our Website. 

Oth­er mar­ket­ing activ­it­ies 

As part of our mar­ket­ing activ­it­ies, Lead­info may send mar­ket­ing emails or SMS mes­sages to our users pro­mot­ing sim­il­ar products or services. 

Data col­lec­ted 

Through Lead­Info, we may collect: 

  • Details of your vis­its to our Site and access to the resources you access. 
  • Inform­a­tion about your device, includ­ing, your IP address, MAC address, refer­ring site URL, web­site address and click behavior. 
  • Com­pany data based mostly on pub­licly avail­able data­bases, includ­ing, names, con­tact inform­a­tion, pos­i­tions of employ­ees and directors. 

Use of data 

Data col­lec­ted by Lead­Info is used to: 

  • Iden­tifing the user and the account he or she holds. 
  • Per­son­al­iz­ing the use of our Website. 
  • Improv­ing our products, ser­vices and mar­ket­ing efforts. 
  • Con­duct­ing retar­get­ing and advert­ising activities. 
  • Shar­ing and trans­fer­ring data 

Lead­Info is a trus­ted part­ner and ensures data pro­tec­tion com­pli­ance with EU reg­u­la­tions. How­ever, as part of the ser­vices offered to our users, the inform­a­tion you provide to us may be trans­ferred to and stored in coun­tries out­side the European Eco­nom­ic Area (EEA). By sub­mit­ting your per­son­al inform­a­tion, you con­sent to such trans­fer, stor­age or processing. 

User choice and rights 

  • You may opt-out of Lead­In­fo’s track­ing cook­ies and con­ver­sion track­ing at any time by chan­ging your browser­’s cook­ie set­tings or by using our cook­ie man­age­ment tool. 

File descrip­tions and con­tact­ing Codelab 
If you have any ques­tions regard­ing this Pri­vacy Policy or if you are con­cerned about how your per­son­al data is pro­cessed by Codelab, please con­tact Codelab 
Files descrip­tion related to the pro­cessing of per­son­al data under this Web­site for mar­ket­ing and com­mu­nic­a­tion pur­poses is attached as a file
File descrip­tion related to pro­cessing of per­son­al data under this Web­site for recruit­ment and HR pur­poses is attached as file

Changes to the Pri­vacy Policy 
Codelab reserves the right to amend this Pri­vacy Policy at any time and the linked File Descrip­tion. You must review this Pri­vacy Policy from time to time for any amendments. 

Inform­a­tion clause 

The fol­low­ing inform­a­tion clause is ded­ic­ated to the vis­it­ors of the Web­site, the pro­files of Codelab sp. z o. o. in social media on portals such as: Face­book, Ins­tagram and Linked­In, as well as per­sons par­ti­cip­at­ing in the recruit­ment pro­cess using the can­did­ate man­age­ment sys­tem provided by soft­garden eRe­cruit­ing GmbH. 

1. The con­trol­ler of your per­son­al data is Codelab sp. z o. o. (“Codelab” / “con­trol­ler”), based in Szcze­cin, Brama Por­towa 1, 70–225 Szcze­cin. Per­son­al data are pro­cessed in accord­ance with the prin­ciples set out in the per­son­al data pro­tec­tion legis­la­tion, includ­ing Reg­u­la­tion (EU) 2016/679 of the European Par­lia­ment and of the Coun­cil of 27 April 2016 on the pro­tec­tion of nat­ur­al per­sons with regard to the pro­cessing of per­son­al data and on the free move­ment of such data, and repeal­ing Dir­ect­ive 95/46/EC (Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion) (“GDPR”) and Pol­ish reg­u­la­tions issued in con­nec­tion with GDPR, includ­ing the Act of 10 May 2018 on the pro­tec­tion of per­son­al data, the Act of 26 June 1974 — Labour Code (“LC”). The con­trol­ler shall keep per­son­al data con­fid­en­tial and secure them from unau­thor­ised access by third parties under the terms of the afore­men­tioned leg­al acts. 
2. The con­trol­ler can be con­tac­ted via email: 
3. The Data Pro­tec­tion Officer, appoin­ted by Codelab, can be con­tac­ted by email: 
4. We pro­cess your per­son­al data col­lec­ted through the Web­site, which includes gen­er­al con­tact and per­son­al inform­a­tion such as name, address, email, tele­phone, sub­scriber organ­isa­tion, inform­a­tion about people’s con­tact requests, inform­a­tion required from job applic­ants used for recruit­ment and staff­ing pur­poses (can­did­ate man­age­ment sys­tem provided by soft­garden eRe­cruit­ing GmbH), as well as oth­er inform­a­tion required to man­age the Web­site and provide the ser­vices con­tained therein. In the case of Codelab’s offi­cial pro­file on the social net­works Face­book, Linked­In and Ins­tagram, the per­son­al data pro­cessed includes data identi­fy­ing the pro­file of the portal user (usu­ally includ­ing name), his pro­file pic­ture, the con­tent of the com­ments pos­ted by the portal user. 
5. Your per­son­al data is pro­cessed on the basis: 

  • Art­icle 6 (1) (a) GDPR, i.e. on the basis of your con­sent giv­en when you access the Web­site, as well as on the basis of your con­sent giv­en on a sep­ar­ate form (the can­did­ate man­age­ment sys­tem provided by soft­garden eRe­cruit­ing GmbH); 
  • Art­icle 6 (1) (b) GDPR, i.e. for the pur­pose of con­clud­ing and per­form­ing con­tracts con­cluded with users of the Website; 
  • Art­icle 6 (1) ©© GDPR, i.e. for the cor­rect and com­plete pro­vi­sion of ser­vices and to ful­fil Codelab’s leg­al oblig­a­tions, in par­tic­u­lar to carry out the employ­ee recruit­ment pro­cess pur­su­ant to Art­icle 221 § 1,2, 4 and Art­icle 221a LC; 
  • Art­icle 6 (1) (df) GDPR, i.e. for the pur­poses arising from the leg­ally jus­ti­fied interests pur­sued by Codelab, i.e. for ana­lyt­ic­al and stat­ist­ic­al pur­poses as well as for ensur­ing inform­a­tion and com­mu­nic­a­tion secur­ity related to the Web­site and for exer­cising rights or claims before any state authorities. 

6. The pur­pose of the pro­cessing of your data is to man­age cus­tom­er, investor and media rela­tions and com­mu­nic­a­tions, to handle con­tact requests and course sub­scrip­tions, to provide mar­ket­ing inform­a­tion, to carry out employ­ee recruit­ment, and to handle oth­er mat­ters relat­ing to the man­age­ment of the Web­site and the ser­vices provided therein and their devel­op­ment. In the case of main­tain­ing an offi­cial pro­file of Codelab on social net­work­ing sites Face­book, Linked­In and Ins­tagram, the pur­pose of the pro­cessing of per­son­al data of users of such sites is to main­tain an offi­cial pro­file of Codelab on these sites, under the terms and con­di­tions laid down by Meta Plat­forms Inc., Face­book Ire­land ltd. and Linked­In Cor­por­a­tion and to inform through it about Codelab’s activ­it­ies, and to com­mu­nic­ate via the avail­able Face­book func­tion­al­it­ies (com­ments, chat, mes­sages). 
7. Recip­i­ents of your per­son­al data may be author­ized employ­ees of Codelab, extern­al ser­vice pro­viders, e.g. IT ser­vice pro­viders, mar­ket­ing ser­vice pro­viders, web host­ing pro­viders, online pay­ment ser­vice pro­viders, car­ri­ers, insurers, sub­con­tract­ors, entit­ies man­aging the social net­work­ing site Face­book (Face­book Ire­land Ltd. and Meta Plat­forms Inc.) and the Linked­In portal (Linked­In Cor­por­a­tion) and oth­er entit­ies pro­cessing data on behalf of Codelab on the basis of an agree­ment on entrust­ment of per­son­al data pro­cessing, as well as account­ants, law­yers, admin­is­trat­ive bod­ies, state ser­vices and courts. 
8. Per­son­al data col­lec­ted through com­mu­nic­a­tion with you via Face­book (com­ments, chat, mes­sages) are pro­cessed only for the pur­pose of respond­ing, if neces­sary. 
9. Your per­son­al data will not be kept longer than leg­ally per­mit­ted and neces­sary for the pur­poses of the pro­cessing — in the case of the recruit­ment pro­cess for a peri­od of three years. As for the per­son­al data we hold in private mes­sages on Face­book, this will be kept until you object to fur­ther pro­cessing of such data. As for the inform­a­tion we hold in the con­text of com­ments you have provided, it is avail­able on our portal until deleted by the author or, in jus­ti­fied cases, by the Admin­is­trat­or, e.g. in the case of post­ing com­ments on the portal incit­ing viol­ence, pro­mot­ing hatred, or being spam or a form of recom­mend­a­tion of the ser­vices of anoth­er entity. 
10. Your per­son­al data may be trans­ferred to third coun­tries, such as the USA, in con­nec­tion with the controller’s use of the ser­vices of entit­ies based out­side the European Eco­nom­ic Area (Google Inc., Face­book Ire­land Ltd., Meta Plat­forms Inc., Linked­In Cor­por­a­tion), in order to ensure the cor­rect­ness, effect­ive­ness and effi­ciency of the ser­vices provided. In this case, the con­trol­ler, in accord­ance with the require­ments of GDPR, imple­ments secur­ity meas­ures to ensure cor­rect pro­cessing and adequate pro­tec­tion of your per­son­al data. For more inform­a­tion in this regard, please refer to the Pri­vacy Policy and the Soft­garden Fron­tends Pri­vacy Policy 
11. Your rights are: 

  • the right of access to your per­son­al data, includ­ing obtain­ing back-up copies; 
  • the right to rec­ti­fic­a­tion of per­son­al data; 
  • the right to eras­ure or restric­tion of processing; 
  • the right to port­ab­il­ity of your data; 
  • the right to with­draw con­sent at any time without affect­ing the law­ful­ness of the pro­cessing car­ried out on the basis of con­sent before its withdrawal. 

12. Fur­ther­more, you may lodge a com­plaint with the super­vis­ory author­ity, which is the Pres­id­ent of the Per­son­al Data Pro­tec­tion Office, if you con­sider that the pro­cessing of your per­son­al data by the con­trol­ler viol­ates the pro­vi­sions on per­son­al data pro­tec­tion. 
13. Your per­son­al data shall not be sub­ject to pro­fil­ing. 
14. Provid­ing data is vol­un­tary, how­ever, the con­sequence of fail­ing to provide data will be the inab­il­ity to par­ti­cip­ate in the recruit­ment pro­cess and inab­il­ity to view Codelab’s offi­cial pro­file on social net­work­ing sites Face­book, Linked­In and Ins­tagram or leave com­ments (Face­book service).