Requ­ire­ments engi­ne­ering can be defi­ned as a sta­ge of softwa­re deve­lop­ment life­cyc­le and as an area of softwa­re engi­ne­ering. The main under­stan­ding of “requ­ire­ments” is spe­ci­fied as the descrip­tion of the func­tio­na­li­ty of softwa­re and its pro­per­ties (known as func­tio­nal and non-func­tio­nal requirements).

In last deca­des the com­ple­xi­ty of elec­tro­nic com­po­nents in the auto­mo­ti­ve indu­stry incre­ased rapi­dly. This led to quick deve­lop­ment of requ­ire­ments engi­ne­ering in elec­tric and elec­tro­nic sys­tem design, espe­cial­ly in the high-end auto­mo­ti­ve market.

In Code­lab we under­stand that we need to con­si­der more than our custo­me­r’s expec­ta­tions. The softwa­re must meet stan­dards, norms, and other regu­la­tions that incre­ase the num­ber of requ­ire­ments. For docu­men­ta­tion pur­po­ses, our requ­ire­ments engi­ne­ers map the sta­ke­hol­der requ­ire­ments to ana­ly­sed sys­tem requ­ire­ments which reflect custo­mers inter­nal view of the sys­tem. Our results of sys­tem requ­ire­ments ana­ly­sis form the basis for the sys­tem quali­fi­ca­tion tests and all down­stre­am processes.

Thank­ful­ly to many years of expe­rien­ce in cer­ta­in auto­mo­ti­ve pro­jects, Code­lab meets the chal­len­ge to pro­vi­de com­pe­ten­ces to sup­port the mana­ge­ment of sys­tem requ­ire­ments for its custo­mers. Our requ­ire­ments engi­ne­ers are fami­liar with who­le softwa­re deve­lop­ment life­cyc­le, requ­ire­ments ana­ly­sis pro­cess and doma­in know­led­ge. The men­tio­ned com­pe­ten­ces are pro­ved by cer­ti­fi­ca­tes gained by our employ­ees which makes Code­lab a con­fir­med sup­plier of sup­port for requ­ire­ments engi­ne­ering doma­in of softwa­re development.

To pro­vi­de the best quali­ty and to meet stan­dards of deli­ve­ry for auto­mo­ti­ve indu­stry, Code­lab ful­fils Auto­mo­ti­ve SPI­CE® SYS.2 Pro­cess rele­vant to Sys­tem Requ­ire­ments Ana­ly­sis. We sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly impro­ve exi­sting work­flows and methods, we eva­lu­ate the sta­tus of our pro­cess impro­ve­ments thro­ugh for­mal asses­sments and gap analyses.