Is google maps the only option for a map on my site? How do I imple­ment map hosting servers myself? How do I pull it toge­ther, so the user sees my own sty­led map?
If you came across the­se questions but were left witho­ut answers, we invi­te you to watch the vide­ore­cor­ding of the latest Code­lab Thin­kLab series meeting, this time in the light­ning talk format.

The idea for this was born after a few sle­epless nights. First, I sat up to answer the­se and other questions abo­ut imple­men­ting maps in the React libra­ry. Then, with the help of the inter­net, a survey­or friend (thanks Bar­to!), and some dug-up tuto­rials (4th tab on Google), I final­ly got the who­le pro­cess down.
In the video, I con­den­se the most impor­tant infor­ma­tion for you in a nut­shell to save your­self time, nerves and money! You will also find a trans­cript of the Q&A ses­sion — thanks to all par­ti­ci­pants for the discus­sion.
Ps. Below, you will also find all the links I men­tion during the meeting.

Abo­ut the author.

Michał Ryś­kie­wicz
Softwa­re Engi­ne­er, Codelab

Hi, I’m Rysiu, and I wri­te code for a living. I have been invo­lved with IT for abo­ut 5 years sin­ce I star­ted my stu­dies. I’m a softwa­re engi­ne­er at Code­lab, and I deal with issu­es rela­ted to Type­script lan­gu­age, main­ly on the fron­tend side, but the­re are also other chal­len­ges, such as mobi­le appli­ca­tions and bac­kend. After work, I try my hand at cre­ating new start-ups, col­lec­ting music CDs and recen­tly, I’ve been back to wor­king on myself at the gym.

Links from webinar

  1. Raster map —
  2. Vec­tor map —
  3. .mbti­les data —
  4. Blog on how to cre­ate .mbti­les data —
  5. A GitHub acco­unt with a sam­ple pro­ject -
  6. Micha­ł’s Lin­ke­din -
  7. Ema­il —