Ada is a val­ued Seni­or Qual­ity Spe­cial­ist at Codelab. Recently, she achieved the ASPICE Pro­vi­sion­al Assessor cer­ti­fic­ate. We sat down with Ada to learn more about the import­ance and advant­ages of this cer­ti­fic­a­tion, her oth­er respons­ib­il­it­ies, and how all this con­trib­utes to the high level of qual­ity our cus­tom­ers have come to expect from us.

Ada – first and fore­most – con­grat­u­la­tions are in order,  as you have demon­strated your extens­ive know­ledge and skills by com­plet­ing the Auto­mot­ive SPICE Assessor cer­ti­fic­a­tion. That’s a sig­ni­fic­ant achieve­ment!
Could you explain very briefly what exactly ASPICE is?

Auto­mot­ive SPICE (Soft­ware Pro­cess Improve­ment and Cap­ab­il­ity Determ­in­a­tion) is a widely recog­nized inter­na­tion­al stand­ard for eval­u­at­ing soft­ware man­u­fac­tur­ing pro­cesses in the auto­mot­ive industry. ASPICE provides a frame­work for assess­ing and improv­ing soft­ware devel­op­ment pro­cesses, ensur­ing that the qual­ity of soft­ware pro­duced for the auto­mot­ive industry meets the required stand­ards. Auto­mot­ive SPICE is man­dated by many key play­ers in the auto­mot­ive sec­tor, such as Volk­swa­gen, BMW, Daimler, Gen­er­al Motors, Ford, Toyota, and Nissan.

What does obtain­ing this cer­ti­fic­a­tion mean for you? What does it mean for Codelab?

The train­ing and exam are very demand­ing and I am proud to have obtained the Pro­vi­sion­al Assessor Auto­mot­ive SPICE cer­ti­fic­ate, which cer­ti­fies detailed know­ledge about the Auto­mot­ive SPICE mod­el and the abil­ity to cor­rectly inter­pret the stand­ard’s pro­vi­sions. The stand­ard is widely avail­able and any­one can use it. Unfor­tu­nately, without spe­cial­ized know­ledge, many mis­takes can be made and the soft­ware devel­op­ment pro­cess can be cre­ated or assessed incor­rectly. Cur­rently, at Codelab, we have two experts with Pro­vi­sion­al Assessor Auto­mot­ive SPICE cer­ti­fic­ates and many exper­i­enced soft­ware engin­eers work­ing on Auto­mot­ive pro­jects, which clearly sets us apart from oth­er soft­ware devel­op­ment pro­viders on the mar­ket. As a res­ult, we offer our cli­ents the auto­mot­ive soft­ware of the highest qual­ity and sup­port them in cre­at­ing and improv­ing their own processes.

If I were to men­tion this in my next con­ver­sa­tion with a cli­ent, what are the advant­ages from their per­spect­ive? Do such qual­i­fic­a­tions some­how trans­late into our cooper­a­tion with clients?

Auto­mot­ive SPICE is an oblig­at­ory require­ment in most auto­mot­ive industry pro­jects. Thanks to our many years of exper­i­ence, expert know­ledge and cer­ti­fic­ates like the Auto­mot­ive SPICE Pro­vi­sion­al Assessor, we can sup­port our cli­ents at every stage of auto­mot­ive soft­ware devel­op­ment. Both com­pan­ies who want to enter the mar­ket with a new product, and don’t know how to prop­erly set up the pro­cess, and those who have been OEM sub­con­tract­ors for many years but require industry lead­ing auto­mot­ive Soft­ware devel­op­ment accord­ing to ASPICE qual­ity requirements.

Ada Olszewska,
our Seni­or Qual­ity Spe­cial­ist, along with the Qual­ity team at Codelab, imple­ments busi­ness-rel­ev­ant stand­ards, norms and qual­ity sys­tems. She con­ducts work­shops and train­ings aimed at sup­port­ing teams in under­stand­ing and improv­ing pro­cesses and qual­ity require­ments. Fur­ther­more, Ada car­ries out intern­al audits and ASPICE assess­ments, plans and con­ducts meas­ures ensur­ing high qual­ity assur­ance in pro­jects and with­in the organ­iz­a­tion. Addi­tion­ally, she is involved in lead­ing cli­ent pro­jects, but also and in-house pro­jects, ran­ging from employ­er brand­ing ini­ti­at­ives and the devel­op­ment of ini­ti­at­ives sup­port­ing hybrid work­ing to well-being with­in our organization.