On the occa­sion of World Qual­ity Day, we invite you to delve deep into the world of tech­no­lo­gic­al innov­a­tions and data secur­ity. In this art­icle, we will explore how the Auto­mot­ive industry and the realm of cyber­se­cur­ity are gear­ing up for upcom­ing chal­lenges, guid­ing us towards a secure and mod­ern future. So, on this World Qual­ity Day, we invite you to explore the future with us!

While arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence has become the most vis­ible top­ic in media, oth­er areas related to tech­no­lo­gic­al devel­op­ment, includ­ing cyber­se­cur­ity, have taken a back seat. How­ever, ongo­ing work in this field aligns with UNECE reg­u­la­tions #155 and #156 from July 7, 2024, man­dat­ing auto­mobile man­u­fac­tur­ers to main­tain a Cyber­se­cur­ity Man­age­ment Sys­tem (CSMS). The reg­u­la­tion out­lines require­ments for man­aging secur­ity risks through­out the product life­cycle, com­pel­ling com­pan­ies to reor­gan­ize all car man­u­fac­tur­ing pro­cesses, includ­ing soft­ware development.

This change is sig­ni­fic­ant, but not the only one to tackle this year. Anoth­er con­cerns inform­a­tion secur­ity. Changes intro­duced in ISO 27001, now titled “ISO/IEC 27001:2022 – Inform­a­tion Secur­ity, Cyber­se­cur­ity, and Pri­vacy Pro­tec­tion,” espe­cially its Annex A regard­ing threats, neces­sit­ate the adapt­a­tion of the com­pany’s Inform­a­tion Secur­ity Man­age­ment Sys­tem (ISMS). The change came in 2022, and organ­iz­a­tions have only three years to adjust to the new norm.

Addi­tion­ally, the immin­ent arrival of the new Auto­mot­ive SPICE v. 4.0 stand­ard will intro­duce numer­ous new recom­mend­a­tions for organ­iz­a­tions cre­at­ing soft­ware in the auto­mot­ive industry, encom­passing guidelines con­cern­ing cyber­se­cur­ity and machine learning.

The sheer volume of new inform­a­tion and changes can be over­whelm­ing. For­tu­nately, at Codelab, we have our Qual­ity Team. With the sup­port of Anna Michel-Mak­uch, Krzysztof Musi­ał, and Ada Olszewska, we’ll man­age everything 😊 Wish­ing you a fant­ast­ic World Qual­ity Day ❤️