First and fore­most we want to con­grat­u­late Mateusz, Dari­usz and Krzysztof and wel­come our former interns as full-time mem­bers of our team with a big high five. It’s been a moment since the end of their intern­ship so we inter­viewed them regard­ing their impressions.

Let’s start by talk­ing about any expect­a­tions you had for your intern­ship at Codelab? Did any­thing sur­prise you?

Mateusz Den­isi­uk: My main expect­a­tion, the pos­sib­il­ity of fur­ther­ing my devel­op­ment in a great team have been com­pletely ful­filled. How­ever, I was pos­it­ively sur­prised by the fact that this was done in the con­text of a real com­mer­cial pro­ject. I am very glad that I got the chance to learn and prove myself on a “liv­ing organ­ism”. 😉
Dari­usz Niem­czycki:  I expec­ted a sol­id dose of tech­nic­al know­ledge. I was not dis­ap­poin­ted, from the first days on I worked on a pro­ject (Bright­Mat­rix), which is used every day by Codelab employ­ees. I was sur­prised that my opin­ion was import­ant in the devel­op­ment of the pro­ject, thanks to which I had the oppor­tun­ity to take an act­ive part not only in the tech­nic­al devel­op­ment of applic­a­tions, but also in dis­cus­sions lead­ing to determ­in­ing the path of devel­op­ment of the pro­ject in the future.
Krzysztof Kalin­owski:  I was sur­prised at the plus approach of people from the com­pany. The con­tents and respons­ib­il­it­ies did not con­sist of the pro­ver­bi­al “cof­fee brew­ing”, but we were treated as “nor­mal” pro­gram­mers and handled tasks from real-word projects.


Start­ing right away with a com­mer­cial pro­ject can res­ult in some pos­sible chal­lenges. What was your biggest tech­nic­al or organ­iz­a­tion­al chal­lenge dur­ing this program?

Mateusz: It was prob­ably the ini­tial intro­duc­tion to the pro­ject. Enter­ing the new code base and ana­lys­ing how it coin­cides with the com­plex busi­ness logic required the quick adop­tion of a large fields of the­or­et­ic­al know­ledge.
Dari­usz: The devel­op­ment of the log­ging func­tion­al­ity using Open­ID. This task required me not only to learn new tech­nic­al solu­tions, but also to get acquain­ted with the cur­rent login pro­cess. I had the oppor­tun­ity to get input based on the insight and exper­i­ence of more exper­i­enced col­leagues from the team – I believe that this, although not a simple task, greatly expan­ded my hori­zons related to tech­no­logy.
Krzysztof:  I think the biggest chal­lenge was the imple­ment­a­tion into the pro­ject itself. For the first time I had the oppor­tun­ity to work on such an extens­ive pro­ject and it took a while before I star­ted to ori­ent myself in it.

As we can see, you have found optim­al solu­tions for these chal­lenges, since today you are sup­ply­ing the ranks of Codelab. What will you remem­ber the most from this time? What have you learned?

Mateusz: I will def­in­itely fondly our team and how well the cooper­a­tion worked with­in the team. I learned a lot from them about best prac­tices and both the pro­cess of soft­ware pro­duc­tion from the “kit­chen” and in the purely tech­nic­al field (new tech­no­lo­gies for me and deep­en­ing my know­ledge of those I already knew).
Dari­usz: I am very happy that I had the oppor­tun­ity to meet great people. Assist­ance, pos­it­ive encour­age­ment and equal treat­ment were very use­ful dur­ing the imple­ment­a­tion of the new com­pany struc­ture and the pro­ject – I quickly felt like a val­ued team-mem­ber. Apart from tech­nic­al know­ledge, I learned that ques­tions are always worth ask­ing, even those that are con­sidered trivi­al ones.
Krzysztof: I will def­in­itely remem­ber our meet­ings with the guys from the pro­ject. They are both great pro­gram­mers, from whom you can learn a lot, as well as super nice people with whom you can have a nice chat on vari­ous topics.

What type of pro­file would you recom­mend the intern­ship pro­gram for? Which pro­fes­sion­al interests and career options are a good fit?

Mateusz:  Tak­ing into account my example, I would espe­cially recom­mend and intern­ship for every­one who really wants to work in the soft­ware engin­eer pro­fes­sion in the future. I would also extend this to people whose interest in it is still a little more vague. Codelab is an excel­lent part­ner for tak­ing your first pro­fes­sion­al steps in the industry. 😉
Krzysztof:  I think I would recom­mend the intern­ship to people who already have some know­ledge about pro­gram­ming and their future career. The com­pany provides dif­fer­ent devel­op­ment paths, so I think every­one will find some­thing for them­selves.
Dari­usz:  I would recom­mend Codelab to the open people, I think that due to the mul­ti­tude of pro­jects and pos­sib­il­it­ies, every­one will find some­thing for themselves

Con­clud­ing our inter­view, what advice do you have for can­did­ates who are con­sid­er­ing an intern­ship in the gen­er­al soft­ware devel­op­ment field? Any spe­cif­ic advice related to the Codelab internship?

Mateusz: Intern­ships like this are a great way to make your first exper­i­ences, there­fore I would uncon­di­tion­ally recom­mend seiz­ing the oppor­tun­ity. In addi­tion, it helps to keep an open mind regard­ing new tools, approaches, tech­no­lo­gies, etc., and not just stick­ing to what you know and like. Even if these are not always the things that we per­son­ally like a 100% and may not settle on in the long run, a lot of val­ues can be derived from expand­ing ones per­spect­ive.
Krzysztof:  I think it is worth hav­ing a big­ger, inter­est­ing pro­ject to talk about what to talk about in a pos­sible con­ver­sa­tion. In addi­tion, it is worth keep­ing up to date with some news about the tech­no­lo­gies you use.
Dari­usz:  Do not think about it twice and apply! 😊 A great exper­i­ence, in a very short time you can devel­op your skills in dif­fer­ent areas.
I think that you must not be afraid of new chal­lenges, with the help of oth­er col­leagues in the team, the most dif­fi­cult task turn out to be not as ter­rible as expected. 😀

Thanks a lot for provid­ing feed­back and insights for poten­tial interns. We hope you con­tin­ue to have a good time at Codelab, includ­ing many new, valu­able exper­i­ences. Our dear read­ers we invite to famil­i­ar­ize them­selves fur­ther with our sum­mer intern­ships program.

We also invite you to get in touch at our next job fairs, where you will have the oppor­tun­ity to dir­ectly talk to our developers, former interns and recruit­ers, as well as more inform­a­tion about what you can expect dur­ing recruit­ment, what the course of intern­ships looks like in detail and what pro­ject work at Codelab is like.

You can find us here:

Wrocław, Aka­demick­ie Targi Pracy

15 marca

PWr budynek C‑13, stoisko 3A

Szcze­cin, r@bbIT

19 kwiet­nia

Wydzi­ał Informatyki ZUT, Żołnier­ska 52, Szczecin

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