Septem­ber 2020 ▪ By Anna Orecka

If you are a small com­pany, you prob­ably won’t face this prob­lem, as every­one knows their strengths and weak­nesses. We need a PHP developer? That’s a job for Kow­al­ski – every­one knows this. Web devel­op­ment pro­ject? Nowak will deal with it. The prob­lem arises when there are more avail­able resources. I mean so many avail­able developers, that a single mind is unable to track their strengths and weak­nesses. In com­pan­ies like ours with ~200 employ­ees it would be more dif­fi­cult to answer the staff­ing ques­tion straight away. Or would it? 😊

In Codelab we don’t have this prob­lem thanks to a tool we developed intern­ally. We call it bright­Mat­rix and it serves us a pur­pose of com­pet­ence track­ing and CV hand­ling. How does it work?

Use Case nr 1

Let’s say our cus­tom­er calls us and says he needs a C++ developer with a know­ledge of Mat­lab and CAN pro­tocol for an auto­mot­ive pro­ject. Of course, he needs them as soon as pos­sible 😊 With­in 3 clicks of a mouse (1 per each com­pet­ence) I can get a list of all employ­ees who have the desired com­pet­en­cies. With addi­tion­al two clicks I can get their CVs.

Use Case nr 2

I need to gen­er­ate CVs of developers for accept­ance to our customer.

I can gen­er­ate CVs for a giv­en pro­file or selec­ted CVs from my team.

Again, not more than 3 clicks of a mouse and I have them in my down­load folder.

Use case nr 3

I want to know which com­pet­en­cies my employ­ees have. I can see the tree of com­pet­en­cies for each of my employ­ees. Each com­pet­ence is rated in a 1–5 scale.

Use case nr 4

I want to know the stat­ist­ics of my team. Which com­pet­en­cies have grown, which com­pet­en­cies were lost? What is the main strength of my team? What com­pet­en­cies on aver­age do my employ­ees have? It is there with­in one click.

Use case nr 5, 6, 7, 8….

If I gave all of the use cases no one would read till the end 😊 The bot­tom line is – without this tool we would have hard time find­ing the right people for a giv­en pro­ject. With bright­Mat­rix, it’s easy peasy and we are able to answer our staff­ing requests very efficiently.

And how do you deal with staff­ing requests in your company?