The times when we had to go to gar­age or down to the street to check our vehicle’s status are over. For a few years, car own­ers can have access to mul­tiple fea­tures of their cars using their mobile phones or web apps.

Have I really locked the car? Check that in the mobile app and close it remotely. Even worse – where exactly did I leave the car at a big park­ing gal­lery among hun­dreds of oth­er vehicles? Check that in the app or let the car honk from the dis­tance. Get­ting into the car on a cold, winter day ? Set the pre­ferred tem­per­at­ure in the app, so that your car will always wait for you, ready for com­fort­able ride. Dozens of dif­fer­ent func­tion­al­it­ies are avail­able, bring­ing car own­ing exper­i­ence into 21st century.

That is exactly what we’re cur­rently work­ing on in a pro­ject for one of the largest European OEM’s infotain­ment sys­tem. We are respons­ible for a Java pro­cess that runs in a vir­tu­al vehicle machine and acts as mid­dle­ware between the users con­nec­ted to the cloud and the lower lay­ers closer to the vehicle elec­tron­ics. The whole com­mu­nic­a­tion is based on mes­sages exchanged between dif­fer­ent pub­lish-sub­scribe top­ics, hav­ing to be sent at the right time, under spe­cif­ic conditions.

Extend­ing these pieces of func­tion­al­ity, and what’s even more rare, usu­ally not that wel­comed by developers — issues ana­lys­is in car infotain­ment area turns out to be really inter­est­ing and can be a great refresh for developers already bored with fin­an­cial / e‑commerce domain. As there are more teams respons­ible for dif­fer­ent sets of func­tion­al com­pon­ents and also the core ser­vices parts (one level lower, but don’t worry — still Java), there is plenty of space to get to know more the IOT world that sur­rounds us more and more – this time in automotive.

This is only a sample and what we can say pub­licly. If you are inter­ested in find­ing out more, please come and let’s talk about what you could give in such a project. 

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