The innov­at­ive concept of the Digit­al X exhib­i­tion was a great frame­work for pro­mot­ing our remote main­ten­ance solu­tion. In the spir­it of digit­al­iz­a­tion the event was not held in a clin­ic­al bright exhib­i­tion hall but was spread over vari­ous exist­ing ven­ues in the city cen­ter of Cologne, which cre­ated a very pleas­ant and pro­duct­ive atmo­sphere for net­work­ing and helped immensely in mak­ing our par­ti­cip­a­tion in the exhib­i­tion a great success.

Remote Hero is a mod­el example of how digit­al­iz­a­tion helps increase pro­ductiv­ity and reduce both down­time and travel costs by con­nect­ing experts remotely with tech­ni­cians wear­ing AR glasses. The Digit­al X is the world’s largest digit­al­iz­a­tion exhib­i­tion organ­ized by Deutsche Telekom and has been tak­ing place in Cologne since 2017. Unlike tra­di­tion­al trade shows, the Digit­al X does not take place in a large exhib­i­tion hall but is instead spread out over the city cen­ter of Cologne, sim­il­ar to the concept of SXSW in Aus­tin. The exhib­it­ors booths are loc­ated in loc­al res­taur­ants and bars, which also provide food and bever­ages, cre­at­ing a relaxed atmo­sphere for net­work­ing while also cre­at­ing a con­sist­ent flow of vis­it­ors from the industry. Events and key­notes were held at the vari­ous large stages set up by Telekom around the loc­a­tions host­ing the exhib­it­ors. Key­note speak­ers included Jes­sica Alba and Steve Wozniak.

The Digit­al X is split into four them­at­ic cat­egor­ies: the future quarter, the inter­act­ive quarter, the inspir­a­tion quarter and the dis­rup­tion quarter. Our booth was loc­ated in future the part of the ALSO Part­ner Hub and was loc­ated in a pizzer­ia. The unique and mod­ern atmo­sphere in the ven­ue provided ideal con­di­tions for our product present­a­tion. With the team from ALSO and Insys Micro­elec­tron­ics we had some great neigh­bors who made us feel very wel­come and made our time at the Digit­al X very pleas­ant. If you hap­pen to vis­it Cologne and appre­ci­ate good pizza and cof­fee, neo neo is def­in­itely worth a visit.

Many people got to see Remote Hero in action and were curi­ous about the live video stream shown on our present­a­tion mon­it­or provided by the AR glasses. While some imme­di­ately real­ized the poten­tial Remote Hero has in fix­ing acute real-world issues many com­pan­ies are facing today, oth­ers were intrigued by how it works, which was a great con­ver­sa­tion open­er and lead to many pro­duct­ive and more extens­ive conversations.

We received some great feed­back regard­ing Remote Hero’s fea­tures. Both the flex­ib­il­ity of choos­ing between on-premise and cloud host­ing, as well as the white label sup­port, were very well received. Some­thing that came up in a lot of the con­ver­sa­tions was our determ­in­a­tion to focus on key fea­tures aimed at solv­ing a select num­ber of prob­lems effi­ciently, instead of try­ing to do everything at once and being cluttered with excess­ive fea­tures.

Access­ing rel­ev­ant doc­u­ment­a­tion digit­ally was of par­tic­u­lar interest to com­pan­ies from indus­tries which require extens­ive train­ing courses to com­ply with reg­u­la­tions and guidelines. As there were many vis­it­ors from oth­er European coun­tries, the import­ance of hav­ing an auto­mat­ic trans­la­tion fea­ture of both voice and text into 26 dif­fer­ent lan­guages was once again demon­strated. The abil­ity to scan a QR code using the AR glasses and then hav­ing the tem­per­at­ure and bat­tery voltage of a sensor con­nec­ted to an IoT gate­way shown in the dis­play of the glasses was some­thing many people were eager to try out for them­selves. A wel­come sur­prise was meet­ing with Michael Krämer, RealWear’s Region­al Dir­ect­or for DACH & CEE.

The event was also a great oppor­tun­ity for us to spread the word about codelab’s expert­ise. With the help of our mar­ket­ing mater­i­als (includ­ing our trus­ted green ducks), we were able to fur­ther spread the mes­sage that codelab is the part­ner of choice for devel­op­ment ser­vices and solu­tions for many reput­able com­pan­ies in the auto­mot­ive, indus­tri­al and enter­prise sector.

To get a quick over­view of what Remote Hero can do, watch our new product video. To read more and enquire about a demo please vis­it